Basic JavaScript - Passing Values to Functions with Arguments

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it took me many hours to finish this challenge. this is what i ended up doing based on a video i watched:
function functionWithArgs(one, two) { console.log(one + two); }

functionWithArgs(3, 16);

Although this worked, i really do not understand how and what bearing it has with the examples given earlier before the challenge. i need a clearer explanation of this section please.

Your code so far

function functionWithArgs(one, two) { console.log(one + two); }
functionWithArgs(3, 16);

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Passing Values to Functions with Arguments

Link to the challenge:

That’s a strange answer the video gave you. I wouldn’t use those videos.

Your solution written normally:

function functionWithArgs(one, two) {
  console.log(one + two);

The example from the challenge:

function testFun(param1, param2) {
  console.log(param1, param2);

Those two should look really, really similar, but with a + instead of a ,

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