Basic JavaScript - Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function

Hi, Ca anyone help me with this exercise?
I get a message

  • List item

Once both functions have run, the sum should be equal to 8
but I dont know what exactly do I need to do

Your code so far

// Setup
let sum = 0;

function addThree() {
  sum = sum + 3;

// Only change code below this line
function addFive() {
sum = sum + 5;

var result =  addFive();
// Only change code above this line

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Understanding Undefined Value returned from a Function

Link to the challenge:

the original code was like this:

// Setup
let sum = 0;

function addThree() {
  sum = sum + 3;

// Only change code below this line

// Only change code above this line


You should not change anything except to add a function to the area in between the 2 comment lines.

It only asks you to write the addFive function, which it looks like you did correctly . Check over your code again or possibly reset the challenge and only do whats asked. remember, the functions need to be called, you’re pretty close!

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