Someone help me with this please. I can’t simply get this right. I don’t know why
const wordBlanks= "myNoun + myAdjective + my Verb + myAdverb;
const myNoun = "dog";
const myAdjective = "big";
const myVerb = "ran";
const myAdverb = "quickly";
// Only change code below this line
const wordBlanks = myNoun + myAdjective + myVerb + myAdverb;
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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Word Blanks
Link to the challenge:
Add the following to the end of your code:
And then look in the console pane to see the string you are creating.
If you use console.log(wordBlanks)
as @bbsmooth said, you’ll see this printed in the console.
If you need to add spaces, you can try adding these changes:
const space = " ";
const wordBlanks = myNoun + space + myAdjective + space + myVerb + space + myAdverb;
You should get this.
“dog big ran quickly”
Not very efficient, but it’ll add spaces between your words which is what the challenge is for.
You’ll see in the challenge example, they add blanks right in the string, e.g., "It was really ".
See the space after the word “really”?
Good luck!
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Hey @marklchaves, I know you are new here, FYI, we try not to give code solutions in here.
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Thank you so much! Stuck for so long… tried so many different things
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