Basic Node and Express - Get Query Parameter Input from the Client

Tell us what’s happening:
have to extract the query parameters and send a formatted json.
can’t figure out where is the mistake happening
my code :“/name”, (req, res) => {

res.json({ name : ${req.query.first} ${req.query.last} });


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solution: boilerplate-express - Replit

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Challenge: Basic Node and Express - Get Query Parameter Input from the Client

Link to the challenge:

As said, it is supposed to be a GET request.

It might be the note at the bottom that is confusing you. It is just saying that in the next challenge you will use the same /name endpoint for a POST so you can use chaining with the methods if you make it an app.route().get().post() chain.

You can look at the docs for an app.route chaining example

thank you. problem resolved

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