Basic Node and Express - Use the .env File

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I do not understand the why my solution is not working at all.

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solution: Glitch :・゚✧

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Challenge: Basic Node and Express - Use the .env File

Link to the challenge:

No. It still does not pass and I cannot see the preview because it does not load.

Glitch will spin down your server every 30 minutes I think. This means if you haven’t opened it in an hour or so, your app may take a long time to spin up.

There should be a debugger in Glitch you can open to check to see what the issue is.

You can also check out this solution from the Glitch forums.

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It still does not work. Nonetheless, I get the correct endpoint

Double check the capitalization

The response object should either be {"message": "Hello json"} or {"message": "HELLO JSON"} , depending on the MESSAGE_STYLE value.

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