Okay, from the information provided it seems like you have correctly implemented the logic to conditionally return uppercase or lowercase JSON response based on the MESSAGE_STYLE environment variable.
However, the challenge is still showing an error because it is expecting the actual response to change when the environment variable is changed, not just the code implementation.
Some things to check:
Make sure the app is properly reading the environment variable value from the .env file. Print out process.env.MESSAGE_STYLE to verify.
When you change the .env file, restart the Node.js process so it picks up the new env variable value.
Make a request to the /json endpoint both before and after changing the .env file, and verify the response changes as expected based on uppercase vs lowercase.
Check if there are any errors in the Node.js process output when starting/restarting after changing .env
Try a simple console.log inside the routes to verify conditionals are executing properly.
The key is that the actual response needs to change for the check to pass, not just the code logic. Let me know if any of these suggestions help troubleshoot further!