Basic Node and Express - Use the .env File

Facing issue with Node and Express related exercise.
Excercise: Use the .env File
Below is the code present in myApp.js in replit:

let express = require('express');
let app = express();
const path = require('path');


var response;
const mySecret = process.env['MESSAGE_STYLE']
if (mySecret === "uppercase") {
  response = "Hello Json".toUpperCase();
} else {
  response = "Hello json";
app.get("/json",(req, res)=>{ res.json({

Content in the secret file is intact , able to see the excepted result as well.
But the solution is not being accepted and the test cases are failing.

Your project link(s) : boilerplate-express - Replit

solution: boilerplate-express - Replit

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Basic Node and Express - Use the .env File

At the top of your myApp.js file, add require('dotenv').config() to load the environment variables.
you must read the value of process.env.MESSAGE_STYLE

1 Like

Thank you.

I still find that the issue remains same on replit. Below is my updated code

let express = require('express');
//const process=require('dotenv').config();
let app = express();
const path = require('path');


var response;

const mySecret = process.env.MESSAGE_STYLE
if (mySecret === "uppercase") {
  response = "Hello Json".toUpperCase();
} else {
  response = "Hello json";
app.get("/json",(req, res)=>{ res.json({

use the MESSAGE_STYLE environment variable in the route handler and transform the response message accordingly

put all thet in the route handler…

Note that you must read the value of process.env.MESSAGE_STYLE inside the route handler, not outside of it, due to the way our tests run.

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