I’m using Gitpod to do basic node and express learning, I got stuck at the “use .env file” challenge. It will take another .env file and not the new one i created. Or at least it seems that way when logging on console the process.env, it shows many variables that do not exist in mine, and it considers MESSAGE_STYLE=“uppercase” undefined, I tried MESSAGE_STYLE=uppercase too, and logging const mySecret = process.env[“MESSAGE_STYLE”]. Nothing is working.
This is actually the solution.
I got caught up in this challenge for over 2hrs now. And by just configuring it, it passed.
It simply means that if you’re using Gitpod u need to config it as instructed before it could pass. The instruction seems to relate only to when working locally ( on your code editor), however, it applies to Gitpod
Commenting on this because i didn’t have to ask question inorder to get my answer. It should also help others.