BETA Erratum: Basic JavaScript/Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators

Point of instructional style: Every waypoint up to this point in the Beta explicitly tells the user what the value returned by the functions should be. The exact values in this waypoint are only listed below the submission buttons, requiring a vertical scroll (when no other lessons do).

“Use multiple conditional operators in the checkSign function to check if a number is positive, negative or zero.”

How to fix — Use the following text:
"Use multiple conditional operators in the checkSign function to check the sign of the argument num. Return "positive", "negative", or "zero" depending on the sign of num.


You can create a GitHub Issue suggesting a wording change. Be aware that moving forward you may have to look at the test cases to figure out what exactly is expected at you.

Thanks. I think the Beta is far superior to the production version of FCC. However, there are a few pedagogical inconsistencies like this. Addressing them one-by-one is inefficient. The waypoint path needs a little fleshing out in the Javascript sections (like function calling syntax). Any advice on how to raise these issues (inserts, not edits?)

By creating GitHub Issues.

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