Bootstrap/CSS: Size image and wrap text around

I am trying to apply what I learned on CSS and Bootstrap. I’d know I could do this with CSS but wanted to see if there is a way to do it in Bootstrap. I have two columns: left a navbar and right p> paragraph with text. I would like to put an image in the text and set it in the top right of that paragraph with a max width of 350px so that the text wraps around on the left and below. Right now the image tag looks like:

<img src="....jpg" alt="..." class="img-fluid img-thumbnail maxwidth: 30% float-right">


<img src="....jpg" alt="..." class="img-responsive img-thumbnail maxwidth: 30% float-right">

What am I doing wrong? The image has a width of 100% in the paragraph section.

Maybe if you provide a codepen, it would be easier to analyze the problem.