Have a look at this thread:
Here is the expected output that you need to match:
Percentage spent by category\n100| \n 90| \n 80| \n 70| o \n 60| o \n 50| o \n 40| o \n 30| o \n 20| o o \n 10| o o \n 0| o o o \n ----------\n B F E \n u o n \n s o t \n i d e \n n r \n e t \n s a \n s i \n n \n m \n e \n n \n t
And here is the test data:
food = Category("Food")
entertainment = Category("Entertainment")
business = Category("Business")
food.deposit(900, "deposit")
entertainment.deposit(900, "deposit")
business.deposit(900, "deposit")
print(repr(create_spend_chart([business, food, entertainment]))
You can use repr()
to print at the end to show raw string output
You can also read through this thread: