Hi, I don’t really know if this is a bug or it’s part of the challenge
When you use the method flow_from_directory to pre process the images the output not match with the expect output, after I take somedays to find the answer, the problem it’s the directorio of the images.
Not that it’s terribly easy to find if I remember correctly, but this is the documented behavior of flow_from_directory(). It converts subdirectories of the provided directory into different classes (like cats or dogs). There’s no subdirectory if you use the directorycats_and_dogs/test, so you need to back up a level and provide the class subdirectory ([test]) and directory="cats_and_dogs" to work correctly. You could also use the python file manipulation utilities and rearrange the data so that the test directory had a test subdirectory and then you could load the test data the same way you load the training and validation data.