Build a 25 + 5 Clock - Can't pass test 14 for Timer

Hi, I can’t pass test number 14, but the project acts as It should, which is strange, since the tests number 12, 13 and 15 use almost the same logic.
This is a URL to the website hosting my project.

If anyone has any clue why this isn’t working, please reach out.
Thanks in advance!

:balloon:Hello @s.privitera ! Welcome to the forum!
The app looks great, but wouldn’t pass test 28 for me. It seemed to work ok but without some code to look at, I cannot really say much else.


Yeah, sorry I forgot to add my code
I used React + Vite to make the project

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import "./App.css";

function App() {
  const [breakTime, setBreakTime] = useState(5);
  const [sessionTime, setSessionTime] = useState(25);
  const [timerType, setTimerType] = useState("Session");
  const [secondsRemaining, setSecondsRemaining] = useState(sessionTime * 60);
  const [timerState, setTimerState] = useState("pause");
  let breakSeconds = breakTime * 60;
  let sessionSeconds = sessionTime * 60;
  let minutes = Math.floor(secondsRemaining / 60);
  let seconds = secondsRemaining % 60;

  function playPause() {
    timerState === "play" ? setTimerState("pause") : setTimerState("play");

  function modifyBreakTime(value) {
    if (timerState === "play") return;
    if (!((breakTime === 1 && value < 0) || (breakTime === 60 && value > 0))) {
      setBreakTime((prev) => {
        const newBreakTime = prev + value;
        setSecondsRemaining(sessionTime * 60);
        return newBreakTime;

  function modifySessionTime(value) {
    if (timerState === "play") return;
    if (
      !((sessionTime === 1 && value < 0) || (sessionTime === 60 && value > 0))
    ) {
      setSessionTime((prev) => {
        const newSessionTime = prev + value;
        setSecondsRemaining(newSessionTime * 60);
        return newSessionTime;

  useEffect(() => {
    let intervalId;
    if (timerState === "play" && secondsRemaining >= 0) {
      intervalId = setInterval(() => {
        setSecondsRemaining((prevCount) => {
          if (prevCount === 0) {
            if (timerType === "Session") {
              return breakSeconds;
            } else {
              return sessionSeconds;
          } else {
            return prevCount - 1;
      }, 1000);
    return () => {
  }, [timerState, secondsRemaining, timerType, sessionSeconds, breakSeconds]);
  function reset() {
    setSessionTime(() => {
      setSecondsRemaining(25 * 60)
      return 25
    document.getElementById("beep").currentTime = 0;

  return (
      <h1>Pomodoro Timer</h1>
      <div className="row">
        <div className="column">
          <h2 id="break-label">Break Length</h2>
          <div className="row narrow">
            <button id="break-decrement" onClick={() => modifyBreakTime(-1)}>
            <h2 id="break-length">{breakTime}</h2>
            <button id="break-increment" onClick={() => modifyBreakTime(+1)}>
        <div className="column">
          <h2 id="session-label">Session Length</h2>
          <div className="row">
              onClick={() => modifySessionTime(-1)}
            <h2 id="session-length">{sessionTime}</h2>
              onClick={() => modifySessionTime(+1)}
      <div className="column">
        <h1 id="timer-label">{timerType}</h1>
        <h1 id="time-left">
        ${("0" + minutes).slice(-2)}:${("0" + seconds).slice(-2)}
        <div className="row narrow">
          <button id="start_stop" onClick={() => playPause()}>
          <button id="reset" onClick={() => reset()}>
      <audio id="beep" preload="auto" autoPlay={true}>

export default App;

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