Build a Budget App Project - Build a Budget App Project

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Could someone help me with this one ?
in the console it says i have 1 more space than it should be but i have no clue how to remove this space

Your code so far

class Category:
    def __init__(self, category):
        self.category = category
        self.ledger = []
        self.balance = 0
        self.spent = 0
    def __str__(self):
        string = ""
        total_length = 30
        stars_needed = total_length - len(self.category)
        left_stars = stars_needed // 2
        right_stars = stars_needed - left_stars
        string += '*' * left_stars + self.category + '*' * right_stars + '\n'
        for dicts in self.ledger:

            if dicts.get('amount'):
                string += (f'{dicts.get("description") [:23]:<23}{dicts.get("amount"):>7.2f}\n')

        string += f'Total: {self.balance}'
        return string
    def deposit(self,amount, description = ''):
            self.ledger.append({'amount' : float(round(amount, 2)), 'description' : description})
            self.balance += amount
        except ValueError:
            print("Input is not an int type")
    def withdraw(self,amount, description = ''):
            if self.check_funds(amount):
                self.ledger.append({'amount' : float(round(-amount, 2)), 'description' : description})
                self.balance -= amount
                self.spent += amount
                return True

                return False
        except ValueError:
            print("Input is not an int type")
            return False

    def get_balance(self):

        return self.balance

    def transfer(self,amount,category):
            if self.check_funds(amount):
                self.withdraw(amount, f"Transfer to {category.category}")
                category.deposit(amount, f"Transfer from {self.category}")
                return True
                return False
        except ValueError:
            print("Input is not an int or float type")

    def check_funds(self, amount):
        if self.balance >= amount:
            return True
            return False

def create_spend_chart(categories):
    total_spent = sum(category.spent for category in categories)
    percentages = [int(category.spent / total_spent * 100 // 10) * 10 for category in categories]

    chart = "Percentage spent by category\n"
    for i in range(100, -1, -10):
        row = f"{i:>3}|"
        for percent in percentages:
            if percent >= i:
                row += " o "
                row += "   "
        chart += row + " \n"
    chart += "    " + "-" * (len(categories) * 3 + 1) + "\n"
    max_len = max(len(category.category) for category in categories)
    for i in range(max_len):
        row = "     "
        for category in categories:
            if i < len(category.category):
                row += category.category[i] + "  "
                row += "   "
        chart += row.rstrip() + "  \n"
    return chart

food = Category('Food')
food.deposit(1000, 'deposit')
food.withdraw(90.15, 'groceries')
food.withdraw(15.89, 'restaurant and more food for dessert')
clothing = Category('Clothing')
clothing.deposit(1000, 'deposit')
clothing.withdraw(23.12, 'tshirt')
clothing.withdraw(32.39, 'hudie')
food.transfer(50, clothing)
auto = Category('Auto')
auto.deposit(1000, 'deposit')
auto.withdraw(1.23, 'liquid')
auto.withdraw(11.23, 'liquid')
auto.withdraw(12.23, 'liquid')
auto.withdraw(12.23, 'liquid')
print(create_spend_chart([food, clothing, auto]))

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Build a Budget App Project - Build a Budget App Project

please give more than this. what has the extra space? your code has various outputs

it’s not a space, look at the AssertionError

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Dont get it, soo whats the problem here it have the same amount of chars and looks the same

So you have seen this?

AssertionError: 'Perc[364 chars]         m  \n           e  \n           n  \n           t  \n' != 'Perc[364 chars]         m  \n           e  \n           n  \n           t  '

please look at it better

AssertionError: 'Perc[364 chars]         m  \n           e  \n           n  \n           t  \n'
             != 'Perc[364 chars]         m  \n           e  \n           n  \n           t  '
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oh you are right :smiley:, thanks a lot got it now