Tell us what’s happening:
Object-oriented approach on cash register project certification project doesn’t work?Even the simpliest alert test case doesn’t go check.
I also notice this in other cert projects; some test cases just don’t go check, even when manually testing themselves.
I’m kind of speculating that there is a bug on the e2e test or just doesn’t support an object oriented approach.
Your code so far
<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Cash Register</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container">
<h1>Cash Register</h1>
<h2>Enter cash from customer:</h2>
<div id="change-due"></div>
<input id="cash" type="number">
<button id="purchase-btn">Purchase</button>
<div class="cash-machine-container">
<div class="pole-display">
<div class="pole-display-screen"></div>
<div class="pole-display-stand">
<div class="monitor-wrapper">
<div class="monitor-screen">
<div class="keyboard-wrapper">
<img class="keyboard"
alt="Rectangle 9">
<img class="keys-svg"
<div class="drawer-wrapper">
<!-- <img class="drawer-rectangle-surface" data-id="2:11" src="" anima-src="" alt="Rectangle 10"> -->
<div class="drawer-rectangle"></div>
<img class="line"
<div class="ellipse">
<!-- These two elements key and key-2 are just keyholes if we merged them -->
<div class="keyhole">
<div class="keyhole-2"></div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<!-- Reference of my Design (Mockup) -->
<!-- -->
/* file: script.js */
let price = 19.5;
let cid = [
['PENNY', 0.01],
['NICKEL', 0],
['DIME', 0],
['QUARTER', 0],
['ONE', 0],
['FIVE', 0],
['TEN', 0],
['TWENTY', 0],
let cashInDrawer = new Map([...cid].reverse()); // create a copy of cid but in Map, we'll use this instead
const getEl = (element) => document.querySelector(element);
class App {
constructor() {
this.changeDueMap = new Map(); // we will keep track of each cash and change due amount. = NaN; // The user's cash
this.status = ''; // render the change due status
this.render(); // renders data
render() {
const $customerDisplay = getEl('.pole-display-screen');
const $monitorDisplay = getEl('.monitor-screen');
$customerDisplay.innerHTML = `Total: <b>$${price}</b>`;
$monitorDisplay.innerHTML = `
<h3> Change in drawer: </h3>
<li>Pennies:<b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Nickels: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Dimes: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Quarters: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b></li>
<li>Ones: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer.get('ONE').toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Fives: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b></li>
<li>Tens: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer.get('TEN').toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Twenties: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
<li>Hundreds: <b> $ ${cashInDrawer
.toFixed(2)} </b> </li>
this.addEventListener(); // binds events
handleInput(e) {
const cash =; // user input
const numberPattern = /^\d+(.\d+)?$/; // regex
if (numberPattern.test(cash)) { = parseFloat(cash);
handlePurchase() {
this.changeDueMap.clear(); // remove exisiting elements from previous tracking
const $changeDue = getEl('#change-due');
const regex = /^\d+(.\d+)?$/; // Number pattern
if (!regex.test(getEl('#cash').value)) {
console.error('Error: Invalid Input');
} else if ( < price) {
alert('Customer does not have enough money to purchase the item');
} else if ( === price) {
$changeDue.innerHTML = 'No change due - customer paid with exact cash';
} else if (this.totalAmountInCid() == 0) {
this.status = 'Status: CLOSED';
} else {
let change = - price; // change due
// if the total amount in CID is less than change due, it indicates then we have an INSUFFICIENT FUNDS
if (this.totalAmountInCid() < change) {
this.status = 'Status: INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS';
} else {
const denominations = [
['ONE HUNDRED', 100.0],
['TWENTY', 20.0],
['TEN', 10.0],
['FIVE', 5.0],
['ONE', 1.0],
['QUARTER', 0.25],
['DIME', 0.1],
['NICKEL', 0.05],
['PENNY', 0.01],
denominations.forEach(([key, value]) => {
// subtract the change due from the denomination value until it reaches 0
while (change >= value && cashInDrawer.get(key) > 0) {
change -= value;
change = Math.round(change * 100) / 100; // To avoid floating-point precision issues
Math.round((cashInDrawer.get(key) - value) * 100) / 100
// create a key-value pair in changeDueMap to keep track of the change given
if (this.changeDueMap.has(key)) {
this.changeDueMap.set(key, this.changeDueMap.get(key) + value);
} else {
this.changeDueMap.set(key, value);
// If the remaining cash amount in the drawer we gave as change to the customer would equal to 0, then we close and print the change due
if (change === 0 && this.totalAmountInCid() === 0) {
let changeDetails = '';
changeDetails += `<p>Status: CLOSED</p>`;
this.changeDueMap.forEach((value, key) => {
changeDetails += `<p>${key}: $${value.toFixed(2)}</p>`;
this.status = `${changeDetails}`;
} else if (this.totalAmountInCid() === change) {
this.status = 'Status: CLOSED';
} else {
// if total cash amount in the drawer is greather than change due then it indicates we're still open and allows for returning change due
let changeDetails = '';
changeDetails = `<p>Status: OPEN</p>`;
this.changeDueMap.forEach((value, key) => {
changeDetails += `<p>${key}: $${value.toFixed(2)}`;
this.status = `${changeDetails}`;
getEl('#cash').value = ''; // remove exisiting / current value in form input
// finally render the status and it's change due details
$changeDue.innerHTML = this.status;
this.render(); // Re-render to reflect changes
totalAmountInCid() {
// check the cash in drawer total
let totalAmount = 0;
cashInDrawer.forEach((amount) => {
totalAmount += amount;
return totalAmount;
// Binder
addEventListener() {
getEl('#cash').addEventListener('input', (e) => this.handleInput(e));
getEl('#purchase-btn').addEventListener('click', () =>
new App();
/* my css */
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Challenge Information:
Build a Cash Register Project - Build a Cash Register