Build a Cat Photo App - Step 3

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I don’t understand this P element please put me through

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<!-- User Editable Region -->

<cat photos>Everyone loves cute cats online!<h1/>

<!-- User Editable Region -->


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Build a Cat Photo App - Step 3

Hi there and welcome to our community!

This is the starting code for this step:

    <h2>Cat Photos</h2>

You should not make any changes to this existing code, but instead, add a paragraph (p) element with the text Everyone loves cute cats online!.

First, hit the Reset button to restore the starting code.
Then, on the line below the h2 element, add a p element. The syntax is the same as the h2 element, with an opening tag, text content and a closing tag. Instead of putting ‘h2’ inside the angle brackets, you put ‘p’, to denote a paragraph element.