Build a JavaScript Trivia Bot - Build a JavaScript Trivia Bot

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I can’t pass this exam because of:
9. You should log codingFact to the console.
6. You should log to the console “My favorite programming language is (favoriteLanguage).” using concatenation to add the variable to the string.

what is my problem!!!?

Your code so far

console.log("Hello! I'm your coding fun fact guide!");
let botName="ALAMI";
let botLocation="KALAMI";
let favoriteLanguage = "Javascript";

console.log("My name is " + botName + " and I live on " + botLocation + ".");
console.log("My favorite programming language is " + favoriteLanguage + ".");

let codingFact="The " + favoriteLanguage + " is My favorite programming language.";

codingFact = "My favorite programming language is " + favoriteLanguage + ".";

codingFact="The "+favoriteLanguage+" is a powerful tool for creating dynamic webpage";

console.log("It was fun sharing these facts with you. Goodbye! - "+botName+" from "+botLocation+".");

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Build a JavaScript Trivia Bot - Build a JavaScript Trivia Bot

you will need to not change the value of favoriteLanguage after you have created it

Dear friend, what kind of test is this? Where does this problem I ran into have anything to do with technical issues and learning a programming language? This is a bug I was running into and these types of test environments only make programming learners bored. I really got frustrated yesterday and wasted my energy on a problem that has no educational point at all!

I agree that it is not ideal, you can open a bug issue for this if you want that it gets solved

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First of all, I respect your work and find it very valuable. But I am sure that you are also aware of the performance model of your evaluation environment. So please do not ask me to file this bug; instead, please upgrade this wonderful environment of yours as soon as possible and fix the problem.

we can’t fix problems if they are not reported, as you experienced this issue you should report it with all the details you have