Build a Markdown Previewer error problem


/*this is errors */

#Technology Stack
1. You can use any mix of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, React, Redux, and jQuery to complete this project. You should use a frontend framework (like React for example) because this section is about learning frontend frameworks. Additional technologies not listed above are not recommended and using them is at your own risk. We are looking at supporting other frontend frameworks like Angular and Vue, but they are not currently supported. We will accept and try to fix all issue reports that use the suggested technology stack for this project. Happy coding!
1. I can see a <textarea> element with corresponding id="editor"
2. I can see an element with corresponding id="preview"
3. When I enter text into the #editor element, the #preview element is updated as I type to display the content of the textarea82ms
4. When I enter GitHub flavored markdown into the #editor element, the text is rendered as HTML in the #preview element as I type (Hint: You don't need to parse Markdown yourself - you can import the Marked library for this:
#preview's only children should be those rendered by marked.js : expected '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…' to equal ''
AssertionError: #preview's only children should be those rendered by marked.js : expected '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…' to equal ''
    at Proxy.h (
    at Proxy.u (
    at n.strictEqual (
    at n.<anonymous> (
    at (
    at CC.runTest (
    at o (
5. When my markdown previewer first loads, the default text in the #editor field should contain valid markdown that represents at least one of each of the following elements: a header (H1 size), a sub header (H2 size), a link, inline code, a code block, a list item, a blockquote, an image, and bolded text
6. When my markdown previewer first loads, the default markdown in the #editor field should be rendered as HTML in the #preview element
#editor's  markdown does not render correctly on window load : expected '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…' to equal '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…'
AssertionError: #editor's  markdown does not render correctly on window load : expected '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…' to equal '<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…'
    at Proxy.h (
    at Proxy.u (
    at n.strictEqual (
    at n.<anonymous> (
    at (
    at CC.runTest (
    at o (
7. OPTIONAL BONUS (you do not need to make this test pass): My markdown previewer interprets carriage returns and renders them as <br> (line break) elements (HINT: read the Marked.js docs for this one!).
See the marked.js options for this and other cool features : expected +0 to equal 2
AssertionError: See the marked.js options for this and other cool features : expected +0 to equal 2
    at Proxy.h (
    at Proxy.u (
    at n.strictEqual (
    at n.<anonymous> (
    at (
    at CC.runTest (
    at o (

here is my code

import { useState } from 'react';
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
import hd from './assets/th.jpeg'

function App() {

  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(`# Welcome to my React Markdown Previewer!

  ## This is a sub-heading...
  ### And here's some other cool stuff:
  Heres some code, \`<div></div>\`, between 2 backticks.
  // this is multi-line code:
  function anotherExample(firstLine, lastLine) {
    if (firstLine == '\`\`\`' && lastLine == '\`\`\`') {
      return multiLineCode;
  You can also make text **bold**... whoa!
  Or _italic_.
  Or... **_both!_**
  There's also [links](, and
  > Block Quotes!
  ![React Logo w/ Text](
  - And of course there are lists.
    - Some are bulleted.
        - With different indentation levels.
          - That look like this.

  return (
    <div className="h-full w-[100vw] flex items-center flex-col bg-blue-400 scroll-auto">
      <h1 className='text-4xl mb-27 font-bold text-black'>Markdown Previewer</h1>
      <h1 className='h-8 flex flex-row items-center bg-head-color w-[80%] pl-5 text-black'>
        <img className='w-7 h-7 mr-3 rounded' src={hd} alt="editor logo" />
      <div className= "mt-0 w-[80%]">
      className='bg-slate-300 overflow-auto border mt-34 resize-none h-full min-h-[50vh] w-full min-w-[100%] scroll-auto mb-44' 
      onChange={(e) => setCounter(}
      <h1 className='h-8 flex flex-row justify-center mb-10 text-xl font-semibold items-center bg-head-color w-[100%] pl-5 text-black'>
        <img className='w-7 h-7 mr-3 rounded' src={hd} alt="editor logo" />

      <div id="preview"  className="h-80 overflow-auto mb-96 scroll-auto">
        <ReactMarkdown className= 'bg-slate-300 overflow-auto rounded-xl border mt-34 resize-none h-full  min-h-[50vh] w-full min-w-[100%] scroll-y-auto '>{counter}</ReactMarkdown>

export default App

Its going to be difficult to check this without a link to your work, I`m assuming you are running this with Vs code, git pod is the only way I know that allows you to run local programs globally. Im not sure how many errors you have from FCC testable projects, are they 5,7, and 8?

You should link to your project, as that would mase stuff easier for us.

However, assuming from this

AssertionError: #preview’s only children should be those rendered by marked.js : expected ‘<div class="bg-slate-300 overflow-aut…’ to equal ‘’

I guess you placed a div element inside #preview. You should remove that

As for story #8, you have to read this: Using Advanced - Marked Documentation

You can’t have a class on ReactMarkdown because that automatically creates a container, and you can’t pass that container an id. Without the class, your outer div with the preview id will be the container for the ReactMarkdown content as expected by the tests.