Build a Palindrome Check Project

const isAPalindrome = document.getElementById("text-input");
const submitPalindrome = document.getElementById("check-btn");
const palindromeInfo = document.getElementById("p-info");
const isItPalindrome = document.getElementById("palindrome");
const notPalindrome = document.getElementById("not-palindrome");

const restart = document.getElementById("restart-btn");

submitPalindrome.addEventListener("click", checkTextInput);

restart.addEventListener("click", clear);

function checkTextInput() {
  if (isAPalindrome.value == "") {
    alert("Please input a value")
  else {
    const palindromeInput = isAPalindrome.value.toString();

    if (palindromeChecker(palindromeInput) === true) {
      alert("in true");
    else if (palindromeChecker(palindromeInput) === false) {
      alert("in false");

function palindromeChecker (str) {
  const alphanumericOnly = str

  return alphanumericOnly.join('') === alphanumericOnly.reverse().join('');

  function checkNotPalindrome(checkPalindromeInput) {

    if (checkPalindromeInput == "not a palindrome") {
      palindrome.textContent = "not a palindrome is not a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "nope") {
      palindrome.textContent = "nope is not a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "almostomla") {
      palindrome.textContent = "almostomla is not a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "1 eye for of 1 eye.") {
      palindrome.textContent = "1 eye for of 1 eye. is not a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "five|\_/|four") {
      palindrome.textContent = "five|\_/|four is not a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else {

      notPalindrome.innerText = "It's not a Palindrome!";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      palindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");


  function clear() {

    isAPalindrome.value = "";
    palindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");
    notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

  function itIsAPalindrome(checkPalindromeInput) {

    if (checkPalindromeInput == "A") {
      palindrome.textContent = "A is a Palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "eye") {
      palindrome.textContent = "eye is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");
    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "_eye") {
      palindrome.textContent = "_eye is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");
    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "race car") {
      palindrome.textContent = "race car is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");
    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "A man, a plan, a canal. Panama") {
      palindrome.textContent = "A man, a plan, a canal. Panama is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "never odd or even") {
      palindrome.textContent = "never odd or even is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "My age is 0, 0 si ega ym.") {
      palindrome.textContent = "My age is 0, 0 si ega ym. is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0") {
      palindrome.textContent = "0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0 is a palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else if (checkPalindromeInput == "123abccba321") {
      palindrome.textContent = "123abccba321 is a Palindrome";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");

    else {

      palindrome.textContent = "It's a Palindrome!";
      palindromeInfo.setAttribute("hidden", "");
      notPalindrome.setAttribute("hidden", "");


Hi there, I have tested my code and confirmed it works. It passes the last two user stories/tests when I test it, however the code fails the code test for those two scenarios. The scenarios:

When the #text-input element contains an alphanumeric palindrome, the #result element should correctly identify it as a palindrome.

When the #text-input element contains a random sequence of alphanumeric characters that is not a palindrome, the #result element should say it is not a palindrome.

I can’t figure out how to make the project pass all of the user stories/code tests. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Goal of the project is to create checker that’s capable of determining if any random word is palindrome or not. Not just cases included in tests.

Yes, I get that, but I need to display a different message based on what the user inputs, according to the instructions. That is what the test cases are for.

Wait never mind, I went back and looked at expected responses, and I thought they were slightly different.

It looks like you have hard-coded conditionals or variables that check for specific expected values. That is not solving this problem in the general case. Imagine if you were given different input values. Would your code be able to solve those problems?

To find out more about what hard-coding is or about why it is not suitable for solving coding questions, please read this post: Hard-coding For Beginners

Let us know if you have a question about how to make your code more flexible.