Build a Plant Nursery Catalog - Step 13

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Hi, please tell me what am I doing incorrectly? Thanks a lot!

Your code so far

const ballerina = {
    commonName: "Spanish lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula stoechas",
    cultivar: "Ballerina"

const prettyPolly = {
    commonName: "Spanish lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula stoechas",
    cultivar: "Pretty Polly"

const willowVale = {
    commonName: "Spanish lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula stoechas",
    cultivar: "Willow Vale"

const hidcote = {
    commonName: "English lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula angustifolia",
    cultivar: "Hidcote"

const imperialGem = {
    commonName: "English lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula angustifolia",
    cultivar: "Imperial Gem"

const royalCrown = {
    commonName: "French lavender",
    scientificName: "Lavandula dentata",
    cultivar: "Royal Crown"

const catalog = new Map();
catalog.set(ballerina, { small: 20, medium: 15, large: 12 });
catalog.set(prettyPolly, { small: 31, medium: 14, large: 24 });
catalog.set(willowVale, { small: 3, medium: 5, large: 0 });
catalog.set(hidcote, { small: 33, medium: 13, large: 18 });
catalog.set(imperialGem, { small: 19, medium: 35, large: 28 });
catalog.set(royalCrown, { small: 40, medium: 22, large: 9 });

// User Editable Region

function sellPlants(plant, potSize, numPots) {
    if (numPots > plant[potSize]) {
        return `Not enough ${potSize} size pots for ${plant["scientificName"]} '${plant["cultivar"]}'. Only ${plant[potSize]} left.`;

console.log(sellPlants(ballerina, "small", 25))

// User Editable Region


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Build a Plant Nursery Catalog - Step 13

Hi @abhatia08

To help you debug, console log the first parameter.
What appears in the console?

Happy coding