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Question the result of the 3rd test failing. I placed debug print statements to see what’s happening.
Hat is create using list of 19 slots. The number of balls passed is 20.
FAIL: test_hat_draw_2 (test_module.UnitTests.test_hat_draw_2)
AssertionError: 19 != 0 : Expected hat draw to leave no items in contents.
self.assertEqual(actual, expected, ‘Expected hat draw to leave no items in contents.’)
I have a if statement comparing where the number of balls == len of contents.
“If the number of balls to draw exceeds the available quantity, return all the balls.”
The way I read the instructions
case 1: 20 > 19 return the entire contents.
case 2: 20 == 20 then return empty list.
Any clue what’s happening here?
I placed debug print statements:
*****number of balls 20 to extract is bigger than the number of balls in the hat 19
***** contents [‘yellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘green’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘blue’, ‘test’]
#balls 20 contents len 19
Your code so far
import copy
import random
import secrets
class Hat():
def __init__(self,**args):
#if your hat is {'red': 2, 'blue': 1}, contents should be ['red', 'red', 'blue']
self.args = args
self.contents =[]
for x,y in args.items():
self.contents.extend([x] * y)
self.randon_limit = len(self.contents)
def draw(self, number_of_balls):
#If the number of balls to draw exceeds the available quantity, return all the balls.
print(f' #balls {number_of_balls} contents len {len(self.contents)}')
if number_of_balls > len(self.contents):
return self.contents
elif number_of_balls == len(self.contents):
self.contents = []
return self.contents
returned_balls = []
contents = self.contents #.copy()
# random.sample() is an built-in function of random module in Python that
#returns a particular length list of items chosen from the sequence i.e. list, tuple, string or set. Used for random sampling without replacement.
#drawn_balls = []
#while len(drawn_balls) != number_of_balls:
# ball = random.choice(self.contents)
# self.contents.remove(ball)
# drawn_balls.append(ball)
drawn_balls = random.sample(self.contents,number_of_balls)
for ball in drawn_balls:
return drawn_balls
def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
n = 0
m = int(num_experiments)
print(f'start {hat.args} expected: {expected_balls}, num: {num_balls_drawn}, iterations:{num_experiments}')
for _ in range(num_experiments):
# Create a copy of the hat to avoid altering the original
hat_copy = copy.deepcopy(hat)
ret_list = hat_copy.draw(num_balls_drawn)
returned_balls = {x:ret_list.count(x) for x in ret_list}
print(f'**returned {returned_balls}')
hit = True
#if len(returned_balls) == len(expected_balls):
for color, number in expected_balls.items() :
if returned_balls.get(color, -1) != number:
hit = False
if hit:
print(f' HIT from call: = expected: {expected_balls}')
n += 1
if hit:
n += 1
probability = n / num_experiments
print('&**$$$\n', n, '/' , num_experiments, '=', probability, '\n&**$$$\n' )
return probability
hat = Hat(blue = 3, red = 2, green = 6)
probability = experiment(hat=hat,
expected_balls={'blue': 2, 'green': 1} ,
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