" You can build your project by using this CodePen template and clicking Save to create your own pen. Or you can use this CDN link to run the tests in any environment you like: https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js
Once you’re done, submit the URL to your working project with all its tests passing. "
How can I save when Sign Up and Log In to CodePen is unavailable. I am try to do the Build a Random Quote Machine. React library. Thanks.
Click the sign up link showing at the bottom (need to create an account? Sign Up for Codepen) and complete the process. Then login to your codepen account and then try to visit the challenge url.
I know. What I mean is Sign Up and Log In to CodePen is unavailable. So it doesn’t matter me to click sign up or login. It just the text "Sign Up and Log In to CodePen is unavailable. "
I don’t know if CodePen banned my country or what. Just not possible. So if there is a second way to complete this project. The same way links can be sent to complete. Please someone tell me. Or a way to make it available. Thanks.