Tell us what’s happening:
In the “decimalToRoman” function , I’m writing three if statements for 1,9 and 1000. I tried to modify the “myArrIndex” function to find an index of the matching input but hitting an error every time. when input is greater, without the conditions(for 9 and 1000, without if for 1 nothing works), it works but shows a different output when the input matches the number.
For Example:
Without if ,for 9 => VIIII, for 1000 => CMXCIXI, which is not desired.
And with if, for 9 => I, for 1000 => M.
Can anybody help?
Your code so far
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Roman Numeral Converter</title>
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<h1>Roman Numeral Converter</h1>
<div class="input-container">
<label for="number">Enter a decimal number:</label>
<input id="number" value="" type="number" class="number" name="decimal number input" />
<button id="convert-btn" class="convert-btn">Convert</button>
<div id="output" class="output"></div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
/* file: styles.css */
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/* file: script.js */
const numberInput = document.getElementById("number");
const convertBtn = document.getElementById("convert-btn");
const output = document.getElementById("output");
const myArr = [{
dNum: 1000, rNum: "M"
dNum: 900, rNum: "CM"
dNum: 500, rNum: "D"
dNum: 400, rNum: "CD"
dNum: 100, rNum: "C"
dNum: 90, rNum: "XC"
dNum: 50, rNum: "L"
dNum: 40, rNum: "XL"
dNum: 10, rNum: "X"
dNum: 9, rNum: "IX"
dNum: 5, rNum: "V"
dNum: 4, rNum: "IV"
dNum: 1, rNum: "I"
const decimalToRoman = (input) => {
if (input == 1) {
return "I";
} else if (input == 9) {
return "IX";
} else if (input == 1000) {
return "M";
const myArrIndex = myArr.findIndex(
(obj) => input > obj.dNum
return myArr[myArrIndex].rNum + decimalToRoman(input - myArr[myArrIndex].dNum);
const checkUserInput = () => {
const inputInt = numberInput.value;
if (!inputInt) {
output.textContent = "Please enter a valid number";
} else if (inputInt < 1) {
output.textContent = "Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1";
} else if (inputInt > 3999) {
output.textContent = "Please enter a number less than or equal to 3999";
output.textContent = decimalToRoman(inputInt);
convertBtn.addEventListener("click", checkUserInput);
numberInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
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Build a Roman Numeral Converter Project - Build a Roman Numeral Converter