Build a Survey Form, textarea and submit not found

Build a Survey Form, textarea and submit not found

In the code I have so far the test goes through all stories except the last two. They are there !

If you need help, please link your code, and the project you are working on?

If you need help you have to provide code examples, people here ain’t wizards :wink:

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Sorry for that, i tried to paste the html code but that did not work. I can’t figure out how to do that here - keep on trieing.

Are you using codepen? If so you could share it. Otherwise you can copy/paste the relevant code and use the </> button above the reply text-box to add code-snippets around your elements.

I am working locally. It will be moved to github soon.

                <fieldset class="field">
                    <div class="input">
                        <label for="t">Giv us a comment</label>
                        <textarea id="t" name="t" placeholder="Eventually change this"></textarea>
                <fieldset class="field">
                    <div class="input">
                        <label for="s">Submit your form</label>
                        <button id="s" type="submit" name="s">Hit !</button>
        <script src=""></script>

Thank you, the suite is at

possibly a bug?..
it looks ok … i edited the id to actually match ‘submit’ … and it still wont pass heh

15. Inside the form element, I am presented with a <textarea> at the end for additional comments.’

  • The textarea is not inside the form element : expected 0 to be above 0

16. Inside the form element, I am presented with a button with id=“submit” to submit all my inputs.

The button with id=“submit” is not inside the form element : expected 0 to be above 0

That’s what i thought …
Later I will decide whats to do.

Thank you !

The problem was that it should be like this <form id="survey-form"><div id="form-outer"> not the other way around (or you can try moving the closing tag of the div outside the form), you created a div above the form, but ended it inside the form which caused the problem.

Great, that was it !
thank you !