Build A Technical Documentation Page Project

I keep trying to post my Run Results and Code to get support and suggestions and Askiban keeps blocking my Posts as Spam. Any suggestions on how to get help with getting help?
I am on the Building Technical Documentation page.

Maybe some good type of code to use instead of the one I used?

Build a Technical Documentation Page
Objective: Build an app that is functionally similar to Do not copy this demo project.

User Stories:

You can see a main element with a corresponding id=“main-doc”, which contains the page’s main content (technical documentation)
Within the #main-doc element, you can see several section elements, each with a class of main-section. There should be a minimum of five
The first element within each .main-section should be a header element, which contains text that describes the topic of that section.
Each section element with the class of main-section should also have an id that corresponds with the text of each header contained within it. Any spaces should be replaced with underscores (e.g. The section that contains the header “JavaScript and Java” should have a corresponding id=“JavaScript_and_Java”)
The .main-section elements should contain at least ten p elements total (not each)
The .main-section elements should contain at least five code elements total (not each)
The .main-section elements should contain at least five li items total (not each)
You can see a nav element with a corresponding id=“navbar”
The navbar element should contain one header element which contains text that describes the topic of the technical documentation
Additionally, the navbar should contain link (a) elements with the class of nav-link. There should be one for every element with the class main-section
The header element in the #navbar must come before any link (a) elements in the navbar
Each element with the class of nav-link should contain text that corresponds to the header text within each section (e.g. if you have a “Hello world” section/header, your navbar should have an element which contains the text “Hello world”)
When you click on a navbar element, the page should navigate to the corresponding section of the #main-doc element (e.g. If you click on a .nav-link element that contains the text “Hello world”, the page navigates to a section element with that id, and contains the corresponding header)
On regular sized devices (laptops, desktops), the element with id=“navbar” should be shown on the left side of the screen and should always be visible to the user
Your technical documentation should use at least one media query
Fulfill the user stories and pass all the tests below to complete this project. Give it your own personal style. Happy Coding!

Note: Be sure to add in your HTML to link your stylesheet and apply your CSS

Run the Tests (Ctrl + Enter)
Save your Code
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Passed:1. You should have a main element with an id of main-doc.
Passed:2. You should have at least five section elements with a class of main-section.
Passed:3. All of your .main-section elements should be section elements.
Passed:4. You should have at least five .main-section elements that are descendants of #main-doc.
Passed:5. The first child of each .main-section should be a header element.
Passed:6. None of your header elements should be empty.
Passed:7. All of your .main-section elements should have an id.
Failed:8. Each .main-section should have an id that matches the text of its first child, having any spaces in the child’s text replaced with underscores (_) for the id’s.
Passed:9. You should have at least 10 p elements (total) within your .main-section elements.
Passed:10. You should have at least five code elements that are descendants of .main-section elements.
Passed:11. You should have at least five li elements that are descendants of .main-section elements.
Passed:12. You should have a nav element with an id of navbar.
Passed:13. Your #navbar should have exactly one header element within it.
Passed:14. You should have at least one a element with a class of nav-link.
Passed:15. All of your .nav-link elements should be anchor (a) elements.
Passed:16. All of your .nav-link elements should be in the #navbar.
Passed:17. You should have the same number of .nav-link and .main-section elements.
Passed:18. The header element in the #navbar should come before any link (a) elements also in the #navbar.
Failed:19. Each .nav-link should have text that corresponds to the header text of its related section (e.g. if you have a “Hello world” section/header, your #navbar should have a .nav-link which has the text “Hello world”).
Failed:20. Each .nav-link should have an href attribute that links to its corresponding .main-section (e.g. If you click on a .nav-link element that contains the text “Hello world”, the page navigates to a section element with that id).
Passed:21. Your #navbar should always be on the left edge of the window.
Passed:22. Your Technical Documentation project should use at least one media query.

All About Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective> Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective Understanding Auto Immune Disease

Auto Immune Disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks it's own healthy tissues, mistaking them for foreign substances.

It is not always visible to others, however it is a very Real and sometimes difficult thing to experience. There is not a lot of funding and research spent in this area of medicine so many Doctor's miss Auto Immune Diseases.

An Auto Immune Disease can affect EVERY part of your life from how your skin, tendons, muscles, other organ's feel; all the way to how your mind and mental state is affected. It often affects Sleep, Diet/Nutrition, Energy, Mood, and Mental Status. All of this can affect a person's view of one's self and their relationships.

      public class UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease("Understanding")}}
Different Types of Auto Immune Disease

Here are some types of Auto Immune Diseases

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){TypesofAutoImmune("Types")}}
  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2. Psoriasis
  3. Lupus
  4. Fibromyalgia
  5. Irritable Bowel Disease
Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease

There are several different ways to get diagnosed

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){GettingDiagnosed("Diagnosis")}}
  1. Getting the proper lab work really matters. The ANA test is an often utilized lab test, however is rarely used by Primary Care Physicians.
  2. Keep track of your symptoms, dates of onset, and triggers to worsening symptoms (sometimes even pics help)to share with your healthcare providers.
  3. Communicate well with ALL of your healthcare practioners. Sometimes Doctors can pigeon hole their brains to focus only on their area of speciality. RAs will often say "That's not Rheumatoid Arthritis".
  4. Even after the labwork and multiple Doctors you will eventually see, Don't ignore your Physical Symptoms or they will lead to worsening Mental Health Symptoms.If one Doctor doesn't listen to you, tell another. You are worth it!
  5. Lots of tests may be done such as an EGD, a Colonoscopy, Xrays, CT Scans, and MRIs. Some specialists will even check your reflexes, your tender spots, and exam you for certain areas of pain, required to make proper diagnosis.Sometimes stool samples, blood work/labs, urine samples, and even some range of motion tests are helpful.
Finding Specialists and Locating Resources

It's always important to understand how to get help through education, support, and resources so please don't avoid discussing your concerns with your Primary Care Physician. After they start the appropriate Blood Work they may be able to guide you to the proper Specialist.

Some good places to start is research the kind's of different Doctors and Providers who treat Auto Immune Disease. These include:

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){Resources("Resource")}}
  • Holistic Health Practioners, Accupunctureists, Naturopathic Practioners
  • Rheumatologists
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Massage Therapists and Chiropractors
  • Dieticians and Nutritionists
  • Mentalhealth/Behaviorhealth Providers, Counselors, Support Groups, and Life/Support Coaches.

Some additional resources can be found at

Check out these auto immune resources.

Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies

We often times get so caught up in our mind reviewing and re-reviewing or ailements that eventually this can own us. It's imperative to get out of your head, out of your body, and learn to see yourself from a new perspective. Here are some good tips to do just that:

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){CopingStrategies ("CopingStrategies")}}
  • Laugh, Laugh, Laugh,...and Laugh some more! Don't take yourself too seriously.
  • Learn AND Practice Mindfullness.
  • Change your environment.
  • Limit how much time and energy you dedicate to your healthcare. For example: Schedule your time and focus on your Doctor's calls, appts, etc.
  • Find ways to relax and take your mind and body off of your healthcare.Consider Swimming, Yoga, Meditation, Singing, Drum Circles, Playing Video Games, and/or learning something new.
  • {margin: 0;padding: 0;}

html {scroll-behavior: smooth;}

body {background-color: rgb 234, 234, 234;display: flex;flex-direction: column;min-height: 100vh;font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemfont, “Segoe UI”, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, “Open Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, sans-serif;}

section {margin-top: 40px;}

#navbar {background-color: #fff;width: 100%;border-bottom: 1px solid;}

#navbar li {color: #4d4e53;border-top: 1px solid black;list-style: none;}

#navbar * {display: block;padding: 10px 30px;color: blue;text-decoration: none;cursor: pointer;font-size: 18px;transition: text-indent 0.3s ease-in-out;}

#navbar a:hover {font-weight: 560;text-indent: 5px;}

p {margin: 10px;}

ol {margin-left: 30px;}

ul {margin-left: 30px;}

#main-doc {margin: 0 auto;}

header {color: black;margin: 10px;text-align: center;font-size: 1.8em;font-weight: 500;}

code {display: block;text-align: left;white-space: pre;word-break: normal;word-wrap: normal;line-height: 1.5;background-color: #fff;padding: 0 15px;margin: 10px;border-radius: 5px;}

.img {width: 100%;}

footer {padding: 30px;text-align: center;color: #338;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 815px)
{body {flex-direction: row;
#navbar {width: 300px;position: fixed;height: 100%;resize: horizontal;overflow-x: scroll;}

.image {width: 70%;margin-left: 20px;}

#main-doc {margin: 0 20px;margin-left: 350px;}

Hi there!

Add three back ticks (```) on a separate line before and after your code, that’s your can be visible here.

1 Like

you just needed to be patient for the mods to review the flag. Your many attempts resulted in 3 duplicate posts that I’ve now unlisted.

1 Like

Hi. As hasanzaib1389 says. Post both your HTML and CSS code in this way. Also post it on the HTML CSS forum section for more people to see it. I’m sure one of the mods will move it there for you once you post your code.

1 Like

@JennysCodeLife I have changed your topic title and changed it’s category to HTML/CSS

1 Like

Apologies, I’ve never done this before recent times.

Thank you kindly I appreciate your guidance.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
  <title>All About Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective></title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css"/>
<nav id="navbar">
  <header>Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective</header>
    <li><a class="nav-link" href="Understanding_Auto_Immune_Disease:_The_Real_Perspective">Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" href="Different_Types_of_Auto_Immune_Disease">Different Types of Auto Immune Disease</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" href="Getting_Diagnosed_with_Auto_Immune_Disease">Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease</a>
    <li><a class="nav-link" href="Finding_Specialists_and_Locating_Resources">Finding Specialists and Locating Resources</a>
    <li><a class="nav-link" href="Laugh_Before_You_Cry:_Effective_Coping_Strategies">Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies</a>
<main id="main-doc">
  <section class="main-section" id="Understanding Auto Immune Disease">
    <header>Understanding Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>Auto Immune Disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks it's own healthy tissues, mistaking them for foreign substances.</p>
    <p>It is not always visible to others, however it is a very Real and sometimes difficult thing to experience. There is not a lot of funding and research spent in this area of medicine so many Doctor's miss Auto Immune Diseases.</p>
    <p>An Auto Immune Disease can affect EVERY part of your life from how your skin, tendons, muscles, other organ's feel; all the way to how your mind and mental state is affected. It often affects Sleep, Diet/Nutrition, Energy, Mood, and Mental Status. All of this can affect a person's view of one's self and their relationships.</p>
      <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease("Understanding")}}
  <section class="main-section" id="Different Types of Auto Immune Disease">
    <header>Different Types of Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>Here are some types of Auto Immune Diseases</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){TypesofAutoImmune("Types")}}
      <li>Rheumatoid Arthritis</li>
      <li>Irritable Bowel Disease</li>
  <section class="main-section" id="Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease">
    <header>Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>There are several different ways to get diagnosed</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){GettingDiagnosed("Diagnosis")}}
      <li>Getting the proper lab work really matters. The ANA test is an often utilized lab test, however is rarely used by Primary Care Physicians.</li>
      <li>Keep track of your symptoms, dates of onset, and triggers to worsening symptoms (sometimes even pics help)to share with your healthcare providers.</li>
      <li>Communicate well with ALL of your healthcare practioners. Sometimes Doctors can pigeon hole their brains to focus only on their area of speciality. RAs will often say "That's not Rheumatoid Arthritis".</li>
      <li>Even after the labwork and multiple Doctors you will eventually see, Don't ignore your Physical Symptoms or they will lead to worsening Mental Health Symptoms.If one Doctor doesn't listen to you, tell another. You are worth it!</li>
      <li>Lots of tests may be done such as an EGD, a Colonoscopy, Xrays, CT Scans, and MRIs. Some specialists will even check your reflexes, your tender spots, and exam you for certain areas of pain, required to make proper diagnosis.Sometimes stool samples, blood work/labs, urine samples, and even some range of motion tests are helpful.</li>
  <section class="main-section" id="Finding Specialists and Locating Resources">
    <header>Finding Specialists and Locating Resources</header>
    <p>It's always important to understand how to get help through education, support, and resources so please don't avoid discussing your concerns with your Primary Care Physician. After they start the appropriate Blood Work they may be able to guide you to the proper Specialist.</p>
    <p>Some good places to start is research the kind's of different Doctors and Providers who treat Auto Immune Disease. These include:</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){Resources("Resource")}}
      <li>Holistic Health Practioners, Accupunctureists, Naturopathic Practioners</li>
      <li>Massage Therapists and Chiropractors</li>
      <li>Dieticians and Nutritionists</li>
      <li>Mentalhealth/Behaviorhealth Providers, Counselors, Support Groups, and Life/Support Coaches.</li>
      <p>Some additional resources can be found at</p>
      <p>Check out these <a target="_blank" href="">auto immune resources.</a></p>
      <a href="""></a>
  <section class="main-section" id="Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies">
    <header>Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies</header>
    <p>We often times get so caught up in our mind reviewing and re-reviewing or ailements that eventually this can own us. It's imperative to get out of your head, out of your body, and learn to see yourself from a new perspective. Here are some good tips to do just that:</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){CopingStrategies ("CopingStrategies")}}
      <li>Laugh, Laugh, Laugh,...and Laugh some more! Don't take yourself too seriously.</li>
      <li>Learn AND Practice Mindfullness.</li>
      <li>Change your environment.</li>
      <li>Limit how much time and energy you dedicate to your healthcare. For example: Schedule your time and focus on your Doctor's calls, appts, etc.</li>
      <li>Find ways to relax and take your mind and body off of your healthcare.Consider Swimming, Yoga, Meditation, Singing, Drum Circles, Playing Video Games, and/or learning something new.</li>

* {margin: 0;padding: 0;}

html {scroll-behavior: smooth;}

body {background-color: rgb 234, 234, 234;display: flex;flex-direction: column;min-height: 100vh;font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemfont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;}

section {margin-top: 40px;}

#navbar {background-color: #fff;width: 100%;border-bottom: 1px solid;}

#navbar li {color: #4d4e53;border-top: 1px solid black;list-style: none;}

#navbar * {display: block;padding: 10px 30px;color: blue;text-decoration: none;cursor: pointer;font-size: 18px;transition: text-indent 0.3s ease-in-out;}

#navbar a:hover {font-weight: 560;text-indent: 5px;}

p {margin: 10px;}

ol {margin-left: 30px;}

ul {margin-left: 30px;}

#main-doc {margin: 0 auto;}

header {color: black;margin: 10px;text-align: center;font-size: 1.8em;font-weight: 500;}

code {display: block;text-align: left;white-space: pre;word-break: normal;word-wrap: normal;line-height: 1.5;background-color: #fff;padding: 0 15px;margin: 10px;border-radius: 5px;}

.img {width: 100%;}

footer {padding: 30px;text-align: center;color: #338;}

@media only screen and (min-width: 815px)
{body {flex-direction: row;
  #navbar {width: 300px;position: fixed;height: 100%;resize: horizontal;overflow-x: scroll;}

.image {width: 70%;margin-left: 20px;}

#main-doc {margin: 0 20px;margin-left: 350px;}

All href values have missing id symbol #

1 Like

It’s still not working…plus you only responded to one of the Conflicts. Can you please advise on the entire project?

All About Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective> Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective Understanding AutoImmune Disease

Auto Immune Disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks it's own healthy tissues, mistaking them for foreign substances.

It is not always visible to others, however it is a very Real and sometimes difficult thing to experience. There is not a lot of funding and research spent in this area of medicine so many Doctor's miss Auto Immune Diseases.

An Auto Immune Disease can affect EVERY part of your life from how your skin, tendons, muscles, other organ's feel; all the way to how your mind and mental state is affected. It often affects Sleep, Diet/Nutrition, Energy, Mood, and Mental Status. All of this can affect a person's view of one's self and their relationships.

      public class UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease("Understanding")}}
Different Types of Auto Immune Disease

Here are some types of Auto Immune Diseases

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){TypesofAutoImmune("Types")}}
  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2. Psoriasis
  3. Lupus
  4. Fibromyalgia
  5. Irritable Bowel Disease
Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease

There are several different ways to get diagnosed

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){GettingDiagnosed("Diagnosis")}}
  1. Getting the proper lab work really matters. The ANA test is an often utilized lab test, however is rarely used by Primary Care Physicians.
  2. Keep track of your symptoms, dates of onset, and triggers to worsening symptoms (sometimes even pics help)to share with your healthcare providers.
  3. Communicate well with ALL of your healthcare practioners. Sometimes Doctors can pigeon hole their brains to focus only on their area of speciality. RAs will often say "That's not Rheumatoid Arthritis".
  4. Even after the labwork and multiple Doctors you will eventually see, Don't ignore your Physical Symptoms or they will lead to worsening Mental Health Symptoms.If one Doctor doesn't listen to you, tell another. You are worth it!
  5. Lots of tests may be done such as an EGD, a Colonoscopy, Xrays, CT Scans, and MRIs. Some specialists will even check your reflexes, your tender spots, and exam you for certain areas of pain, required to make proper diagnosis.Sometimes stool samples, blood work/labs, urine samples, and even some range of motion tests are helpful.
Finding Specialists and Locating Resources

It's always important to understand how to get help through education, support, and resources so please don't avoid discussing your concerns with your Primary Care Physician. After they start the appropriate Blood Work they may be able to guide you to the proper Specialist.

Some good places to start is research the kind's of different Doctors and Providers who treat Auto Immune Disease. These include:

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){Resources("Resource")}}
  • Holistic Health Practioners, Accupunctureists, Naturopathic Practioners
  • Rheumatologists
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Massage Therapists and Chiropractors
  • Dieticians and Nutritionists
  • Mentalhealth/Behaviorhealth Providers, Counselors, Support Groups, and Life/Support Coaches.

Some additional resources can be found at

Check out these auto immune resources

Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies

We often times get so caught up in our mind reviewing and re-reviewing or ailements that eventually this can own us. It's imperative to get out of your head, out of your body, and learn to see yourself from a new perspective. Here are some good tips to do just that:

        public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){CopingStrategies ("CopingStrategies")}}
  • Laugh, Laugh, Laugh,...and Laugh some more! Don't take yourself too seriously.
  • Learn AND Practice Mindfullness.
  • Change your environment.
  • Limit how much time and energy you dedicate to your healthcare. For example: Schedule your time and focus on your Doctor's calls, appts, etc.
  • Find ways to relax and take your mind and body off of your healthcare.Consider Swimming, Yoga, Meditation, Singing, Drum Circles, Playing Video Games, and/or learning something new.

Have a look at this instruction from user story 4:

Any spaces should be replaced with underscores (e.g. The section that contains the header “JavaScript and Java” should have a corresponding id="JavaScript_and_Java")

1 Like

Your code has this fail hint:

Each .nav-link should have text that corresponds to the header text of its related section (e.g. if you have a “Hello world” section/header, your #navbar should have a .nav-link which has the text “Hello world”).

For example, I can see that your first nav-link text does not match the header text of the related section. Check all of them.

1 Like

Your code has this fail hint:

Each .nav-link should have an href attribute that links to its corresponding .main-section (e.g. If you click on a .nav-link element that contains the text “Hello world”, the page navigates to a section element with that id).

The value of your href attribute on your list item should start with #. The value of your href should exactly match the corresponding id for the related section. (They don’t match as noted above). Once you do this you will see when you click on the link it takes you to the section of your page which deals with that topic. Do that for all of them.

1 Like

I am still struggling here. My brain just can’t make the connection of where I’m doing this wrong…Please have mercy on my soul

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
  <title>All About Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective></title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css"/>
<nav id="navbar">
  <header>Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective</header>
    <li><a class="nav-link" id="Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective" href=#"Understanding_Auto_Immune_Disease:_The_Real_Perspective">Understanding Auto Immune Disease: The Real Perspective</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" id="Different Types of Auto Immune Disease:" href=#"Different_Types_of_Auto_Immune_Disease:">Different Types of Auto Immune Disease:</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" id="Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease" href=#"Getting_Diagnosed_with_Auto_Immune_Disease"> Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" id="Finding Specialists and locating Resources" href=#"Finding_Specialists_and_locating_Resources">Finding Specialists and Locating Resources</a></li>
    <li><a class="nav-link" id="Laugh Before you Cry: Effective Coping Strategies" href=#"Laugh_Before_You_Cry:_Effective_Coping_Strategies">Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies</a></li>

<main id="main-doc">
  <section class="main-section" id="Understanding_Auto_Immune_Disease:_The_Real_Perspective">
    <header>Understanding Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>Auto Immune Disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks it's own healthy tissues, mistaking them for foreign substances.</p>
    <p>It is not always visible to others, however it is a very Real and sometimes difficult thing to experience. There is not a lot of funding and research spent in this area of medicine so many Doctor's miss Auto Immune Diseases.</p>
    <p>An Auto Immune Disease can affect EVERY part of your life from how your skin, tendons, muscles, other organ's feel; all the way to how your mind and mental state is affected. It often affects Sleep, Diet/Nutrition, Energy, Mood, and Mental Status. All of this can affect a person's view of one's self and their relationships.</p>
      <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){UnderstandingAutoImmuneDisease("Understanding")}}
  <section class="main-section" id="Different_Types_of_Auto_Immune_Disease">
    <header>Different Types of Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>Here are some types of Auto Immune Diseases</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){TypesofAutoImmune("Types")}}
      <li>Rheumatoid Arthritis</li>
      <li>Irritable Bowel Disease</li>
  <section class="main-section" id="Getting_Diagnosed_with_Auto_Immune_Disease">
    <header>Getting Diagnosed with Auto Immune Disease</header>
    <p>There are several different ways to get diagnosed</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){GettingDiagnosed("Diagnosis")}}
      <li>Getting the proper lab work really matters. The ANA test is an often utilized lab test, however is rarely used by Primary Care Physicians.</li>
      <li>Keep track of your symptoms, dates of onset, and triggers to worsening symptoms (sometimes even pics help)to share with your healthcare providers.</li>
      <li>Communicate well with ALL of your healthcare practioners. Sometimes Doctors can pigeon hole their brains to focus only on their area of speciality. RAs will often say "That's not Rheumatoid Arthritis".</li>
      <li>Even after the labwork and multiple Doctors you will eventually see, Don't ignore your Physical Symptoms or they will lead to worsening Mental Health Symptoms.If one Doctor doesn't listen to you, tell another. You are worth it!</li>
      <li>Lots of tests may be done such as an EGD, a Colonoscopy, Xrays, CT Scans, and MRIs. Some specialists will even check your reflexes, your tender spots, and exam you for certain areas of pain, required to make proper diagnosis.Sometimes stool samples, blood work/labs, urine samples, and even some range of motion tests are helpful.</li>
  <section class="main-section" id="Finding_Specialists_and_Locating_Resources">
    <header>Finding Specialists and Locating Resources</header>
    <p>It's always important to understand how to get help through education, support, and resources so please don't avoid discussing your concerns with your Primary Care Physician. After they start the appropriate Blood Work they may be able to guide you to the proper Specialist.</p>
    <p>Some good places to start is research the kind's of different Doctors and Providers who treat Auto Immune Disease. These include:</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main(String[] args){Resources("Resource")}}
      <li>Holistic Health Practioners, Accupunctureists, Naturopathic Practioners</li>
      <li>Massage Therapists and Chiropractors</li>
      <li>Dieticians and Nutritionists</li>
      <li>Mentalhealth/Behaviorhealth Providers, Counselors, Support Groups, and Life/Support Coaches.</li>
      <p>Some additional resources can be found at</p>
      <p>Check out these <a target="_blank" href="">auto immune resources</a></p>
      <a href="""></a>
  <section class="main-section" id="Laugh_Before_You_Cry:_Effective_Coping_Strategies">
    <header>Laugh Before You Cry: Effective Coping Strategies</header>
    <p>We often times get so caught up in our mind reviewing and re-reviewing or ailements that eventually this can own us. It's imperative to get out of your head, out of your body, and learn to see yourself from a new perspective. Here are some good tips to do just that:</p>
        <code>public class UnderstandingAutoImmune { /* java main function example */ public static void main (String[] args){CopingStrategies ("CopingStrategies")}}
      <li>Laugh, Laugh, Laugh,...and Laugh some more! Don't take yourself too seriously.</li>
      <li>Learn AND Practice Mindfullness.</li>
      <li>Change your environment.</li>
      <li>Limit how much time and energy you dedicate to your healthcare. For example: Schedule your time and focus on your Doctor's calls, appts, etc.</li>
      <li>Find ways to relax and take your mind and body off of your healthcare.Consider Swimming, Yoga, Meditation, Singing, Drum Circles, Playing Video Games, and/or learning something new.</li>

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