Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project - Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project

Tell us what’s happening:

Everything was right in console until I submitted it, I failed all the tests except error handlers

Your code so far

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answers=False):
    # Set-ups
    required_operators = ['+', '-']
    max_digits = 4
    max_problems = 5
    distance = ' ' * 4
    # Variables
    first_line = ''
    second_line = ''
    dashes_line = ''

    # Limit the amount of problems
    if len(problems) > max_problems:
        return 'Error: Too many problems.'
    # Iterate through problems to find errors and arrange them
    for pr in problems:
        operands = pr.split()[::2]
        operator = pr.split()[1]

        # Handle rule-breaks
        for op in operands:
            if not op.isdigit() and not op.isspace():
                return 'Error: Numbers must only contain digits.'
            elif len(op) > max_digits:
                return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'
        if operator not in required_operators:
            return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."

        # Arrange problems on 3 lines
        longer_side = 0 if len(operands[0]) > len(operands[1]) else 1
        shorter_side = abs(longer_side - 1)
        extra_space = ' ' * (len(operands[longer_side]) - len(operands[shorter_side]))

        # FIRST LINE
        first_line += ('  ' 
        + (extra_space if longer_side == 1 else '') 
        + operands[0] + distance)
        # SECOND LINE
        second_line += (operator + ' ' 
        + (extra_space if longer_side == 0 else '') 
        + operands[1] + distance)
        # DASHES LINE
        dashes_line += '-' * (2 + len(operands[longer_side])) + distance

    if show_answers:
    return f'{first_line}\n{second_line}\n{dashes_line}'

print(f'\n{arithmetic_arranger(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"])}')

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Challenge Information:

Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project - Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project

If you open the browser’s console there’s some details regarding the test errors available. It seems there’s some additional spaces at the end of each line, you can see them when using the repr string representation.

for line in arithmetic_arranger(["32 + 8", "1 - 3801", "9999 + 9999", "523 - 49"], True).split('\n'):