C++ coding write

Complete the implementation of the houseType class defined in Exercises 11 and 12 of this chapter. The header file has been provided for you.

Write a program to test your implementation file.

Make sure you are checking your work by running the tasks throughout your development process.
Task #01: The program can initialize objects of the type houseType without error

Task #02: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable style work as expected

Task #03: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable numOfBedrooms work as expected

Task #04: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable numOfBathrooms work as expected

Task #05: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable numOfCarsGarage work as expected

Task #06: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable yearBuilt work as expected

Task #07: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable finishedSquareFootage work as expected

Task #08: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable price work as expected

Task #09: houseType’s getter and setter for the member variable tax work as expected

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