Caesars Cipher Easier Solution?

The solutions given in the guide were to difficult to understand for me. So here is an easier solution:

function rot13(str) {

  let alphabetArr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("");
  let converted = "";

  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (alphabetArr.indexOf(str[i]) === -1) {
        converted += str[i];
      else if (alphabetArr.indexOf(str[i]) < 13) {
        converted += alphabetArr[(alphabetArr.indexOf(str[i])) + 13];

    } else if (alphabetArr.indexOf(str[i]) >= 13) {
        converted += alphabetArr[alphabetArr.indexOf(str[i]) - 13];


return converted;

rot13("SERR CVMMN!");

Let me know if you find it easier or not? Also any idea, how I can incorporate forEach() & map() in this?

Hi @FST360!

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With regards to your solution, yes, you could argue that it is more readable - and that is not without merit. I think the counter argument would be that the other solutions are also readable, once you are more familiar with those patterns.

If I were to critique your solution, once thing I would say is that the last else if can just be and else - there are no conditions under which that last if condition will be false. But that’s a trivial thing.

Also, do you need to split the alphabetArray? Those methods work on strings, too.

From an efficiency standpoint, I would be worried about how you’re progressively concatenating the string. For each iteration, you are creating a whole new string and garbage collecting the old string. It’s not like with a number where you’re just adding a number but it’s still in the same memory location. This is a minor thing if the coded message is small, but it is something about which to think. This wouldn’t be an issue in some languages where a string is an array of characters, but JS doesn’t think that way.

If you want to use map or forEach, you would have to convert it to an array first - those work on arrays. But that is a good solution. If you want to try that, I think that would be worthwhile. I think map is a better solution. forEach could work but I think would be a little less elegant. So, you would need to separate the string into an array, map it to change the values, then convert the array back to a string.

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If you’re curious, this would be a simple map implementation. Don’t look if you want to try it yourself. (recommended)


const rot13 = str => {
  return str.split('').map((char) => {
    if (alphabetArr.indexOf(char) === -1) {
      return char;
    } else if (alphabetArr.indexOf(char) < 13) {
      return alphabetArr[alphabetArr.indexOf(char) + 13];
    } else {
      return alphabetArr[alphabetArr.indexOf(char) - 13];

console.log(rot13("SERR CVMMN!"));

This is a slightly more readable approach, breaking things apart:


const caeserifyChar = char => {
  if (alphabetArr.indexOf(char) === -1) {
    return char;
  } else if (alphabetArr.indexOf(char) < 13) {
    return alphabetArr[alphabetArr.indexOf(char) + 13];
  } else {
    return alphabetArr[alphabetArr.indexOf(char) - 13];

const rot13 = str => str.split('').map(caeserifyChar).join('');

console.log(rot13("SERR CVMMN!"));

I probably would have done the character logic a little differently (just done a little math on the character codes), but that’s the basic idea.

:grimacing:, sorry about that.

Thank you for the critique, really needed to learn about these things.

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