Caesars Cipher help in figure out the problem?

I don’t know where is the problem in my code :’’)

function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
       var Form = {

    return arr=str.split("").map(function(x){
           for (let i in Form){
           if (x === i ){
             return  x = Form[i];
           }else if (x === Form[i]){
             return   x = i;
             return x;


// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC");

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Link to the challenge:

first>you have console after return

second Form[i] are return what? you compare deciphre side.

third why you assign i to x?

four you have there solutions Form[i] this is like Form[‘A’] and you get the N

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thanks i figured out the problem this code :smile:

function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
       var Form = {

    return arr=str.split("").map(function(x){
           for (let i in Form){
           if (x === i ){
             return  Form[i];
           }else if (x === Form[i]){
             return    i;
           return x;


// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC");

with accident. You have still there unnecessary part. the secondIF
return the lesson where is how to obtain object key and value