Caesars Cipher to web browser

Doing this logs: <input type=​"button" value=​"Encrypt" onclick=​"console.log(this)​">​

But, putting " onclick = “console.log(this.form.inputbox.value)” ". logs the text entered. The text entered is what I am looking for, which is what I am getting, so I am not sure where the problem is.

To advance I added your rotify function and I found

As you said, It seems the rot13() function is not working correctly. If I put in “hide” I get a return of “hhhh”, I will have to look at it more. This doesn’t make sense to me as the function passes the fcc test and it is also the basic solution given by this forum.

Thanks for the example of a working rot13() function but it is not the solution I am looking for. I would like to use charCode because I want to try to give the user the option of how many characters the text is displaced. I am sure this may be possible with your function but it’s syntax is a bit above my current level.

updated codepen