Cannot read property 'map' of undefined

import React, { Component } from ‘react’;

import axios from ‘axios’;

class Abc extends Component {

constructor(props) {


    this.state = {

        descriptions: []



componentDidMount() {


        .then(response => {

            this.setState({ descriptions: })

            if ( {

                var rdata =;

                for (var r = 0; r < rdata.length; r++) {

                    if (r === 0) {

                        // console.log(rdata[r]);

                        // const {rdata}

                        this.dataEle = rdata[r]






        .catch(error => {




render() {

    const { dataEle } = this.setState

    return (


            {, index) => (

                <p key={index}>{description.description}</p>






export default Abc;

const { dataEle } = this.setState

setState is a function

Please tell me what is the error in my code

You’re not trying to map the state you need, you’re trying to map a function used to update the state. I assume there is a value in the state you want, you need to use

sorry for replying i just want display second object in the array…can you help on that, not all the objects

myArray[1]. That isn’t particularly useful though because you need to know in advance the exact order of the array

myArray.find(element => {
 // something to match the element you're
 // looking for
 return element === myCondition;

can you please edit in the code that i can understand…Please

const exampleArr = [
  { id: 1, title: "First item" },
  { id: 2, title: "Second item" },
  { id: 3, title: "Third item" },

// Finds the object with an `id` property of 2
exampleArr.find(element => === 2)
// Finds the object with an `title` property of "Second item"
exampleArr.find(element => element.title === "Second item")

Please dont’mind

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import axios from 'axios';

class Abc extends Component {

    constructor(props) {


        this.state = {

            descriptions: []



    componentDidMount() {


            .then(response => {

                this.setState({ descriptions: })

                if ( {

                    var rdata =;

                    for (var r = 0; r < rdata.length; r++) {

                        if (r === 0) {

                            // console.log(rdata[r]);

                            // const {rdata}

                            this.dataEle = rdata[r]






            .catch(error => {




    render() {

        const { descriptions = [] } = this.state;

        return (


                {, index) => (

                    <p key={index}>{}</p>






export default Abc;

edit in this code. i am very fresher with React js…Please help me

i just want to display second object name… not all the object names…

Do you understand how to get an item at a specific index from an array? eg myArray[2] would be the third item in myArray.

map is a function that takes an array and transforms each of the values in it some way, giving you a new array the same length as the original one. If you only want one specific item from an array, just get that item, don’t use map