Cannot understand what was asked

hello everyone I cannot understand what was asked in the new section of html in step 6

"HTML elements are often nested within other HTML elements. In the previous step you nested the h2 element, comment and p element within the main element. A nested element is a child of its parent element.

To make HTML easier to read, indent the h2 element, the comment, and p element exactly two spaces to indicate they are children of the main element."


if i recall… its about “code indentation” ( u can google about it )
which is basically code formatting… to allow u easily to see/identify blocks of codes, and if those blocks belongs to other parts

Hi there!

It’s a way to organize your code, so that it’s readable
Ex: No Indent


The “main” element is the parent, and “h1” and “p " elements are the children of “main” because they are nested inside of the main element. So you want to indent “hi” and” p" to easily recognize the children from the parent. This applies to “block” elements.
Ex: Indented


Hope this helps!

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