Can't be right - Machine Learning w Python - could someone please look?


I just started the rock, paper, scissors machine learning project and I’m getting scores I don’t think are right:

Final results: {‘p1’: 400, ‘p2’: 0, ‘tie’: 0}
Player 1 win rate: 100.0%
Final results: {‘p1’: 396, ‘p2’: 2, ‘tie’: 6}
Player 1 win rate: 99.49748743718592%
Final results: {‘p1’: 199, ‘p2’: 1, ‘tie’: 201}
Player 1 win rate: 99.5%
Final results: {‘p1’: 400, ‘p2’: 0, ‘tie’: 0}
Player 1 win rate: 100.0%

As far as I can see, I am player 1. I ran the test 3 times and got similar results. I thought it should be playing 1000 games and it only seems to be playing 400?
Also, I only configured it to run against player Quincy, I was just testing what I’d done. As I understand from the instructions, I should be needing to write several different “styles” of play to get the high scores. I haven’t altered any files except, which I was supposed to write in. Here’s the Replit:

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Can anyone help? I haven’t looked closely at the other player’s strategies, so maybe only one “style” of play was enough, but it still should be paying 1000 games each, so I think something has gone wrong.

Sorry, I found out what I’d done wrong.
That was silly - I was consistently returning an empty guess by accident. All good now.

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