Hello, am working with MVC and bootstrap/razor pages and a shared layout page that shares the navbar.
Well, there are 8 other pages, and three of them must have a full background image that stays fixed no matter the zoom size or screen resolution; those pages have other text or images that needs to scroll up or down.
No matter what Ive tried so far the image resizes. The only way to make the image stick full screen is to use the <body background-image: (‘url:someimage.png’) position:fixed
with the image in the body tag its there, but doesnt size right and it should be in a div.
Question: how to make the background image in this SHARED index.cshtml file look clean and centered?
even tried this CSS Background Image Size Tutorial – How to Code a Full Page Background Image
I tried copying the source from a google home page/tab that had a fixed background image? this was perfect, but it would not display the image, any image no matter what I did. its as if there is some hidden “do not show any image” css entry in there?
thanks for any ideas