Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Can’t load remote environment CODEALLY.

Third party cookies have been enable before I click run with CodeAlly on Chrome which was working yesterday, however, it did not work this morning.

Could you kindly help?

Challenge: Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Link to the challenge:

This was a bit glitchy for me as well, but I found that refreshing the page a couple times usually did the trick.

Thanks for your information.

I have tried this several times and also restarted the computer, but it didn’t work. I will try again tomorro.


Another thing to try - open a different project/tutorial in the Relational Database Cert. Exit that, then try going back into the Celestial Bodies project. Not sure if that’ll work, but worth a shot.

Good morning, it was working the next day and after that, I havn’t had this issue again. Thank you for your advice.