Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Tell us what’s happening:

I just want to point out that I finished this challenge but I can’t upload my “universe.sql” because it says “You must complete the project first”.
But the fact is that I already finished it. Someone mentionned that you should press continue, then do one task of the challenge then it will be okay but no it doesn’t work.
Anyone has a solution ?
Your project link(s)

solution: GitHub - vmpb/fcc-universe

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Challenge: Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Link to the challenge:

It didn’t register your completed project @pclarkson. Try the troubleshooting steps here - they’ve worked for pretty much everyone I believe.

Well thanks, I ended up deleting the container.
I saved my universe.sql file, uploaded it, used a wget inside the container to get it back so it was actually fast.

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