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I Have not added name Column for the galaxy thing So what do I Do?
Your code so far
universe=> INSERT into galaxy(name) VALUES('andromeda');
ERROR: column "name" of relation "galaxy" does not exist
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Challenge: Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database
Link to the challenge:
I would put the command \d galaxy
and see what columns you have in your table. It appears as though you don’t have a column named name
in that table.
How to add it??? This means the temporary my project is stuck and I Cannot move to the next phase Pls help!
You should be able to run an ALTER TABLE
command on the galaxy
table to add that column. If you can’t figure it out, please let us know and we’ll help more!
Pls share the Hint I cannot figure it out…
This is the command for adding a column to a table:
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name DATATYPE;