Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State

So, I’m getting this error!!!

The input tag should be styled with a border of 3px solid red if the input value in state is longer than 15 characters.

My code so far

class GateKeeper extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      input: ''
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
  handleChange(event) {
    this.setState({ input: })
  render() {
    let inputStyle = {
      border: '1px solid black'
    // change code below this line
      if (this.state.input.length >= 15) {
        inputStyle = {
          border: ' 3px solid red'
    // change code above this line
    return (
        <h3>Don't Type Too Much:</h3>
          onChange={this.handleChange} />

Link to the challenge:

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Hi !

Your code is fine. What you have to do is,

Firstly: Use the strict greater than operator > instead of >=

this.state.input.length > 15

Secondly: Remove all white spaces in border:'3px solid red'

Hope this helps!

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nope, it’s not woking same error!!!

Let see your new code snippet ?

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// change code below this line
      if (this.state.input > 15) {
        inputStyle = {
          border:'3px solid red'
    // change code above this line

Okay got it I forgot the length thanks man!!!

Happy coding!

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