Check if player has a flush or not fails


I am coding a teminal based poker “simulator” and I am trying to check if any of the users has a flush or not.

I have a if/else where I test the best hand first and the worst hand last so it passes down if return is false.

this is the flush function.

[‘5s’, ‘8s’, ‘9s’, ‘As’, ‘2s’] gives true
[‘5s’, ‘2h’, ‘8s’, ‘9s’, ‘As’, ‘2s’] gives false

def is_flush(h):
    suits = [x[-1] for x in h]
    if len(set(suits)) == 1:
        return True, h
        return False

The function is correct isnt it? I dont understand why it doesnt work when a card with another suit is added to the hand? It doesnt make sense

It does however give me 6 and not 2 -

[‘s’, ‘h’, ‘s’, ‘s’, ‘s’, ‘s’]

Can you please give me one more clue so i can solve it? I surely need to loop thru the Suits and compare all the items and count how many There is of each suit

You already have a list of suits, so you could start with an empty dictionary (call it counts) and iterate through the suits list and assign the count of each suit as a value for a suit key in the counts dictionary. Then, you can use the any function to return True or False based on finding any suite with a count >= 5 in the counts dictionary.

Thank you. I should have figured. Very easy