Could you please give a more in depth explanation, @isaacwoodruff? I have a hard time understanding things, as I have a learning disability, sadly. That’s why I’m trying my best to learn coding, remember how to do it, and learn the best I can.
I’m sorry to hear that. It can be hard to grasp concepts in the beginning. But you’ll get there!
First off, are you familiar with the checkbox or radio button input types?
If you are not then you should repeat the two previous lessons to understand what they are and how you make them.
If you are familiar with them, read on.
The purpose of this lesson is to learn about the checked attribute.
What the checked attribute does is automatically check a checkbox or radio button.
So for example this will load an already checkedcheckbox and radio button:
You have changed the name attribute to have the value "checked", instead of adding the new attribute checked. You did it correctly for the checkbox, just not for the radio-button.
Can you see that you change what the name is equal to? The name value should still be the same as it was originally (name="indoor-outdoor"). So let do that first.
So where are you supposed to put the checked attribute on this element? Look at your code for the checkbox again, where did you put the checked attribute on it?
I’m sorry, @lasjorg, but I don’t understand, exactly. I’ve tried to understand it, but, it’s all confusing my brain right now. I have been stuck on this one since last night, and I am having trouble figuring it out.
I would suggest something you might not like at first. When you get this to pass, reset the code and do it again. Click the “Reset all code” button, don’t worry it is just for the one challenge not all of them.
Repetition is vital. In fact, I would suggest trying to go back to other challenges you have already completed and doing them again. Remember to take breaks, do something else and then come back with fresh eyes.
How do I go back to the very first lesson? I’m new to this site, as I’ve learned about it yesterday from my professor in college, and I’ve been going through lessons, not thinking about downloading the lessons to remember how to do them.
If you go to the page it will list all the challenges. But you can’t really download them, you can copy the code and save it to a file if you want.
Also, if it is only your second day don’t be surprised that it seems pretty hard right now. I mean how good would you be at speaking Japanese on your second day of learning it? Give it time. We all learn at different paces.
Some people learn better using physical interaction, try grabbing a pen and paper and write some of the simple challenges down. Maybe try taking some notes for each challenge.
I will reiterate that taking breaks is very, very important. Try going for no more than 30 minutes then force yourself to take a break for at least 5 minutes.
And I will. I’m actually about to call it a night from doing coding so I can get to bed early tonight. I am tired, and all of this coding is making me sleepy.
Sleep well, soon you will be dreaming about code. Sounds far fetch? Trust me at some point it will happen, your brain will start to work on problems when you sleep. It can be both fun and a bit annoying.
Thanks, but insomnia kicked in. I took a short nap this afternoon, and seeing as it’s almost 9 at night here, I can’t sleep at all. I hate insomnia, but I guess that’s my brain telling me to learn code again, lol.