Checkbox and Radio Buttons

Hi guys, i’m having troubles with align the checkbox and the radio buttons with their label, can someone help me pls? I started learning front end 3 days ago, so consider me a noob
I’ll be apreciated for the help
Here’s my code!

Do you have a codepen or another place where your code is actually live so we can interact with it? I

No, I just code in vscode
But I can use codepen if it helps

It would be better so it would give us something we can interact with ourselves

How codepen works?
Can i just copy this code to it?

Yeah, it will have one section where you can just paste all your html in and a separate section you can paste your css in

Then you just copy the link to the codepen where you have your code and paste it here

OK I already did that, now how do I share?

You copy the link and paste it here

I made some changes. See if this is what you are looking for

That’s awesome thank you!

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