Clock 25+5 with React 18

I have just passed Clock 25+5 test with React
I was like going crazy, as the clock was doing just fine, while half of the tests fail,
13/29 pass
The problem was that you can’t use React -dom 18 for the test
you just have to change the dependency link in the setting to React-dom 17.0.2
and ofcourse change the
ReactDOM.createRoot (element).render
to the old
ReactDOM.render(, element)

i hope i help

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I faced the same issue and spent about 3hours trying to fix it :sweat:. Your solution helped me! Thanks :sweat_smile:

glad i helped, from this project on, i used React 17.0.2
and as you guesed it, React.useState, React.useEffect, no imports

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