Codepen not working

I would use display flex on the unordered list in the navbar. If you want space around then you can add justify content.

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Ok, thanks!
I will try it.

I can’t also see the code.

there are a few thread on this. It seems an issue with codepen. My suggestion would be to use the export button and see if you can get your files with that - so you can have the code you have written so far, and then work on the project somewhere else

I just wanted to know if I am the only one who can’t see the code in codepen’s editor today.I am doing my 4th project and have never faced this problem before.

Hi @newbie_dev!

Welcome to the forum!

Can you share a link to your project so we can see the problem?

there’s some html in there. was it supposed to have something else?

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nope,how did you see it?I am still working on the project so had just written tags.

Do you not see this?

it is in the html panel.

we just opened the link. unless you’re not doing this on pc

nope let me try it again though.

Are you sure you have scrolled all the way to the top of the html editor?

Because the code is technically there or else it wouldn’t show up in the preview window.

it doesn’t seem like it because it doesn’t show a scroll bar.

maybe it’s the browser. try clearing the cache @newbie_dev

Maybe an extension is messing with codepen because you should also see the name of the editors up top

Okay,I will try.Thanks for helping.

I will remove any extensions I may have installed.Thank you for helping.

Another user just posted about the same issue.

So you are not alone.

Maybe try reaching out to codepen support

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