Codigo debe mover etiqueta de anclaje

Tell us what’s happening:

Quien me ayuda dice que tengo que mover la etiqueta de anclaje a informacion the baterias los hise tal como se muestra pero aun asi no consigo pasarlo

Your code so far

  <h1>Deep Thoughts with Master Camper Cat</h1>
  <h2>Defeating your Foe: the Red Dot is Ours!</h2>
  <p>Felines the world over have been waging war on the most persistent of foes. This red nemesis combines both cunning stealth and lightening speed. But chin up, fellow fighters, our time for victory may soon be near. Click here<a href=""> for information about batteries</p></a>

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Give Links Meaning by Using Descriptive Link Text

Link to the challenge:

you can’t close the p before closing a
elements are like boxes, you can’t have a box both inside and outside an other box.

Also, you have probably deleted a dot

es que no elimine nada solo cambio la (a) etiqueta de cierre de lugar nada mas

have you fixed the order of the tags?

si y también reinicie la pagina , las etiquetas las acomode de diferentes formas aun así no puedo

have you changed your code? please post again your code

click here<a href=""> for information about batteries</a>

move the space outside the link

I still do not understand, for now it is the only challenge that is costing me

you need to do exactly as required, no more, no less.

you need to wrap around "information about batteries", you wrapper around " for information about batteries", there is stuff that shouldn’t be there inside the anchor element

That is what I do, I arrange it as he explains it but still he does not let me pass the challenge

" for information about batteries" is not the same thing as "information about batteries"

type or paste code here
```Click here for <a  href=""> information about batteries</a></p>

" information about batteries" is not the same as "information about batteries"

the spaces matter

you can also do much better with the preformatted text…

I did about the spaces but it doesn’t work for me either I’m not grabbing everything but I can’t

Si todavia necesitas ayuda, puedes poner su codigo actualizado aqui?

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type or paste code here
```<a href="">  information about batteries </a> </p>

I try diferents ways , but i can’t

code format

type or paste code here
```<a href="">Click here</a> for information about batteries</p>

Try this:

<p>Felines the world over have been waging war on the most persistent of foes. This red nemesis combines both cunning stealth and lightening speed. But chin up, fellow fighters, our time for victory may soon be near. <a href="">information about batteries</a> for information about batteries</p>
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