I have a question in relation to a video on You Tube about making a website responsive.
At the beginning of the video when the website is resized, everything moves relative to each other, but on my page, instead of elements being resized, the elements on my page just disappear out of view. Does this make sense to anyone and if so, what is missing from my website in order to have it like the one in the video?
I have not used any media queries or anything yet, as that is the subject of the video, so I assumed the website at the start of the video also does not have any media queries…
Hoping this makes sense to someone. I have very little experience with making sites responsive obviously - just trying to learn it now…
Makes perfect sense. You yourself said you dont know how to make a site responsive so I wouldn’t expect your site to magically be responsive if you havent done anything to make it responsive. More than likely you are using pixels (px) in your css. Pixels are not going to change based on screen sizes.
Maybe, maybe not. I would assume the video you’re watching should be explaining what they did to achieve the responsiveness if the video is about responsiveness.
You dont necessarily need media queries to make stuff responsive. You can look at this article and it will explain relative units to make stuff responsive
Lol. I am slightly disappointed at a website I did nothing to to make it responsive, not being responsive, but nonetheless, I shall read through the article you sent on responsiveness! Thanks for your responsiveness also!
If you have browser default styles and no images, the site will pretty much be responsive by default. Normal content will reflow as needed, and text will wrap to new lines. Very little is needed for that.
The minute you start doing an actual layout and want to place things in a specific location or out of the default order for the language used (e.g. top to bottom left to right) you need to know how to make your layout work at different view port sizes.
Not sure how you expect us to answer this without seeing the site and its code.
That is fine. But if you need help with something, we have to see it (site/code).
Kevin Powell has a lot of good stuff on his YouTube. On his website there are some free courses as well (didn’t check them). He also has a RWD tutorial on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.
This video doesn’t go into too much detail, but I think it covers some important points.