Could you please review my survey form

So I completed the 2nd challenge

Also, I tried to make it completely responsive by using Bootstrap classes.
Any feedback is appreciated :blush:

here is the link:

Your <label>s need some work. Remember, the for attribute on the <label> points to the id on the corresponding <input>. Also, you have some duplicate ids on your <input>s.

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thank you for the review, I totally missed those points

The design is Clean, Modern, and well put together, with appropriate font and color usage for the Technology Centric Aesthetic.
The spacing on all the elements is good, and the Centered-Left Alignment of the text works well here.

I like the Beating Heart detail, It gives a more personalized feel to the page, and adds an element of warmth.

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I am glad you liked the design thank you :blush:

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