Counting cards question regarding logic

I was able to solve this question by changing the code a little but I want to know how this logic is wrong.

let count = 0;

function cc(card) {
  // Only change code below this line
switch (card) {
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
  case 5:
  case 6:
  count = count + 1;
  case 7:
  case 8:
  case 9:
  count = 0;
  case "K":
  case "Q":
  case "J":
  case "A":
  case 10:
  count = count - 1;
if (count <=0){
    return count + " Hold";
  }  else {
    return count + " Bet";

  return "Change Me";
  // Only change code above this line

cc(2); cc(3); cc(7); cc('K'); cc('A');

The error I’m getting is

Cards Sequence 2, J, 9, 2, 7 should return the string 1 Bet

You are resetting count to 0. Instead, you should not do anything to count for card values 7, 8, and 9`.

In fact, it is not necessary to add any logic (case statements) for those values.

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