Counting Cards, yep its me again

Tell us what’s happening:

Please dont kick me off for asking too many questions!! I havent coded in a long time and im reallllllllyyyy trying to research, fix, and ask for help before just going straight to the solution. thank you!!

Your code so far

var count = 0;

function cc(card) {
  // Only change code below this line
    case 2: count++;
    case 3:count++;
    case 4:count++;
    case 5: count++;
    case 6: count++;
    case 10: count--;
    case 'J':count--;
    case 'Q':count--;
    case 'K':count--;
    case 'A':count--;
  if (count>0){
   return count," ",'Bet';
  }else if(count<=0){
    return count," ",'Hold';
  // Only change code above this line

// Add/remove calls to test your function.
// Note: Only the last will display
cc(2); cc(3); cc(7); cc('K'); cc('A');

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Link to the challenge:

almost there for the switch

The switch statement keeps executing till it reaches a break, so if you get 2 then card++ will actually execute five times

Knowing this you can also reduce the repeated code inside the switch
And you need a break after the last case

This is not correct, you may want to review how to concatenate strings with the + operator

‘shiver me timbers’(is what free code camp exclaimed!), i solved it thanks to your help!! Thanks leahleen!