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Why does passing a function to the setState not work here? From the Use State to Toggle an Element lesson, I thought I could pass setState a function anywhere I need the most current values of the state and props. I am also confused by the difference between using value={this.state.input} vs passing the setState function I did below to update the state?
Thank you!
Whey Your code so far
class ControlledInput extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
input: ''
// Change code below this line
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
// Change code above this line
// Change code below this line
this.setState(state => ({input:}));
// Change code above this line
render() {
return (
{ /* Change code below this line */}
<input type="text" value={this.state.input} onChange={this.handleChange}/>
{ /* Change code above this line */}
<h4>Controlled Input:</h4>
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I also am confused about why passing the function doesn’t work- does it have to do with how works, or is it just because isn’t set in the initial state?
This is really interesting, I think this may have to do with how react works. If you put the
state => ({input:})
on a function like this
function updateInput (){
state => ({input:})
and the call it in the setState, it seems to work. Maybe it also has to do that React setState is asynchronous. I will like to know more about this as well…
Because the previous state (or props) isn’t used to derive the new state. The new state is just whatever is.
An example of a derived state update often given is a counter component where we take the previous state (and/or props) and add to it. Although simple counters usually work just fine without deriving the state.