Create a Map Data Structure*

What is the reason why this is not working?

  **Your code so far**

var Map = function() {
this.collection = {};
this.size = () => {
  return Object.entries(this.collection).length
this.has = (key) =>{
  let keysOfCollection = Object.keys(this.collection)
     return true
     return false
 this.values = function (){
   return Object.values(this.collection)
 this.get = function (key) {
   let entriesOfCollection=Object.entries(this.collection)  
      for(let i=0;i<entriesOfCollection.length;i++){
              for(let j=0;j<entriesOfCollection[i].length;j++){
                                   return entriesOfCollection[i][1]
  this.clear = function(){
    return this.collection={}

let a = new Map()

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Challenge: Create a Map Data Structure

Link to the challenge:

You are missing the add, and remove methods. You don’t actually need to have the remove method do anything because the test only checks that it’s there not what it does.

Your values method is nested in your has method so you just need to put it in the outer function.

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var Map = function() {
  this.collection = {};
  this.add = function (key,value) {
  this.remove = function (key){
       delete this.collection[key]
  this.get = function (key){
       let arrayOfEntries=Object.entries(this.collection)
       for(let i=0;i<arrayOfEntries.length;i++){
             for(let j=0;j<arrayOfEntries[i].length;j++){
                                 return arrayOfEntries[i][1]
                  return true
        return false
  this.values=function (){
        return Object.values(this.collection)
  this.size = function (){
       return Object.keys(this.collection).length
  this.clear = function (){
let a = new Map ()

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